

i need more love

CMU15445 Project 0 Trie Tree

CMU 15-445

Experiment Objective#

This experiment is a preliminary implementation of "CMU 15-445/645". It mainly tests the proficiency of using C++.

The course I took is fall20221. The relevant code can be downloaded from Release2.

This course mainly involves two aspects:

  • How to set up the environment
  • The use of C++
Mermaid Loading...
Mermaid Loading...

Environment Setup#

I use the development method of using a virtual machine (Ubuntu) + local computer SSH.

Install the following plugins in vscode:

  • C/C++
  • CMake
  • CMake Tools
  • Remote - SSH

First, download and unzip the required code.

wget https://github.com/cmu-db/bustub/archive/refs/tags/v20221128-2022fall.tar.gz
tar -zxvf v20221128-2022fall.tar.gz  

Then, use VScode SSH to directly enter the current directory of the remote computer.

After that, install the necessary software.

sudo build_support/packages.sh

Then, there are several options in Vscode that need to be set.


Click on the bottom



Then select Clang 12.01 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu to start coding happily.


There is a button next to Generate [all], switch it to the one you need.


The test method used is GTest.

Just remove all DIABLE_ in the target Test file and you can start testing.

For example, in the path /test/primer/starter_trie_test.cpp, remove all DIABLE_, and then try to output the result. Press to debug at the breakpoints you set. Press to get the result directly.

Debug "You are debugging"

Run result
Run "Result of running the code"

Use of C++#

There is not much to say about this aspect.

Just grasp the usage of std::unique_ptr.

Here are a few examples.

Traverse the nodes of the trie

auto cur_node = &this->root_; // ! Pointer to a smart pointer
auto par_node = cur_node;

while(cur_node != nullptr) {
  cur_node = cur_node->get()-> GetChildNode(ch);
  par_node = cur_node;

How to dynamically construct a subclass node on a parent class pointer

auto tmp_node = std::make_unique<T>(std::move(*cur_node) , value);
par_node-> get() -> InsertChildNode(ch, std::move(*tmp_node));
cur_node = par_node-> GetChildNode(ch);

Get the value in the subclass space by type casting

auto tmp_node = dynamic_cast<TrieNodeWithValue<T> *>(cur_node->get());

If you are unable to complete it because the course has ended, you can refer to my code.


  1. Official website of CMU 15-445/645 fall2022 https://15445.courses.cs.cmu.edu/fall2022/

  2. bustub source code address https://github.com/cmu-db/bustub

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